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Help with sexual problems

male couple kissing

Psychosexual therapy can improve relationships

Sexual problems may be longstanding, or related to more recent events which have caused stress, confusion or unhappiness.

We are open to help individuals, couples and online

Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual or transgender, if you are experiencing problems or difficulties in your sexual relationship, our psychosexual therapists can help you resolve them.

This service is often referred to as sex therapy, however what we offer is a slightly different.

Book psychosexual therapy

women partners leaning against each other

Which issues does psychosexual therapy help with?

Many people simply talk about 'sex therapy', but at Tavistock Relationships we offer a deeper type of psychological approach that goes further than simply looking at any physical symptoms, concentrating on the relationship and individual feelings.

The following are some of the problems we address: 

  • breakdown in a couple's sexual relationship
  • loss of sexual desire
  • painful intercourse
  • difficulties with orgasm
  • arousal disorders
  • erectile dysfunction
  • premature or delayed ejaculation

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sad couple on bed facing away from each other

How can psychosexual therapy help?

The support you get is specific to you.

People gain a range of benefits from psychosexual therapy depending on their needs and the difficulties they bring. Talking about sexual problems can seem daunting, and most people feel really relieved to discuss the problems that may have been bothering them for some time and this, in itself, can have very beneficial effects on your sex life.

For other people a structured programme of help can resolve problems with painful intercourse, difficulties with orgasm, arousal disorders, erectile dysfunction and premature or delayed ejaculation.

How do I get psychosexual therapy?

It starts with an initial consultation with a trained therapist

We can see you in London at our City Wellbeing Centre near Liverpool Street Station or online. You may decide to come with a partner or on your own.

Once you've booked an initial appointment, you will be seen by an experienced therapist, with further training in psychosexual therapy who will initially discuss your difficulties with you and how best to proceed.

Psychosexual therapy treats the causes as well as the symptoms. In weekly sessions you will have the opportunity to explore why a problem may have arisen and, where appropriate, your psychosexual therapist may offer a specific treatment programme to help you overcome the difficulties you are having.

Fees for psychosexual therapy

The fee for ongoing psychosexual sessions will be discussed and agreed. We have appointments available at standard rate upwards.

Success stories

I would recommend marriage counselling to any couple. Our treatment was incredibly helpful for our marriage now, and preparing us for the future together. Thank you.

“It’s a privilege to work in a field where it feels like you can make a difference to an important aspect of people’s lives.”

How the counselling process works

You can choose to attend with your partner or alone. At this session you’ll have the chance to talk through any concerns and ask any questions about how the counselling process works.

People generally find this initial consultation very helpful. If you then want to take things forward, we’ll agree a time that works with sessions delivered on a weekly basis. 

femaile therapist with male client

Why choose us?

Established in 1948, we’ve been supporting relationships for over 70 years.

We are highly experienced in working with couples throughout the lifecycle and the challenges that significant life events present.

We offer a caring, empathetic environment to talk through what can be difficult issues. Our service is strictly confidential.

Our counsellors undergo rigorous training, have a wealth of experience from a variety of settings and have substantial ongoing supervision and the support of a large institution behind them.

Why not take a look at some of the testimonials we have from past clients. Or our how highly our clients rate us.